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Design Studio + Billing & Deliveries:

2923 South Tryon St.

Suite 280
Charlotte, NC 28203
*By Appointment Only

Billing & Deliveries: 3421-M St. Vardell Lane Charlotte, NC 28217

(704) 759-3920


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a headshot of a woman named Darian who has blonde hair and is wearing a blue tank top and white pants

Darian McAuley

Project Designer
Fun Fact:
I'm a pop culture junkie and a bravoholic.

My Role at ReVision

As a project designer, I strive to create not only a beautiful space, but a space that functions and 100% suits a client’s needs. After showing layout options and curating material selections – I like to hone in on the small details, like storage and organization. For example, if we’re remodeling your kitchen I want to know exactly where you plan to store your measuring cups, if we have enough drawer space, how you’re storing your spices, where you’re storing your cutting boards and if there’s enough room etc. Every single inch matters when you’re remodeling. I take pride in having a degree in Interior Design and being a member of the residential design community since 2015. Outside of the office, you will find me in full-time mom mode with my little ones and husband, embracing this beautiful chaotic season of life.

My Most Memorable Project

My most memorable project was a Narnia inspired playroom. I designed a closet off the upstairs hallway with a secret door behind the coat rack leading to the real entrance of the playroom. The room featured a wired lamppost marking the beginning of Narnia, speckled snow inspired carpet, a rock-climbing wall, a forest mural, monkey bars, recessed niches for books, a carved wooden lion onlay and a couple of hidden alcoves with climbing ladders. The room was designed in an unfinished attic space, with floors of differing heights, many sloped ceilings and some structural posts, but this ultimately added to the creativity and uniqueness of the design. I love projects where the clients are just as enthused about the space as I am.